This is our application programming interface (API).

Do you prefer to integrate the locize api on your own?

No problem! If you want to make a low level integration or just did not found an appropriate client library here you find our simple api description or you can access API via:

Fetch namespace resources

The most important feature first!

It's a simple HTTP GET request with this url pattern:



$ curl -X GET https://api.locize.app/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/production/en/landingpage
# will return something like:
# {
# "Average App": "Average App",
# "Benefits": "Benefits",
# "Blog": "Blog",
# ...
# "privacy policy": "privacy policy",
# "terms of service": "terms of service"
# }

(You can find your projectId in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Fetch private namespace resources

Some projects have a higher demand for privacy. To accomplish this, you can set your versions to publish in private mode which means you will need an API key to fetch your namespace resources.

It's a simple HTTP GET request with this url pattern:



$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/private/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/production/en/landingpage
# will return something like:
# {
# "Average App": "Average App",
# "Benefits": "Benefits",
# "Blog": "Blog",
# ...
# "privacy policy": "privacy policy",
# "terms of service": "terms of service"
# }

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Each of these requests counts as private download for your next invoice.

Fetch the available languages

You have the possibility to ask locize which languages are available for a particular project. That way you can have a dynamic language selector.

It's an even simpler HTTP GET request with this url pattern:



$ curl -X GET https://api.locize.app/languages/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# {
#   "en": {
#     "name": "English",
#     "nativeName": "English",
#     "isReferenceLanguage": true,
#     "translated": {
#       "latest": 1,
#       "production": 1
#     }
#   },
#   "de-CH": {
#     "name": "German",
#     "nativeName": "Deutsch",
#     "region": "CH",
#     "isReferenceLanguage": false,
#     "translated": {
#       "latest": 1,
#       "production": 0.521
#     }
#   },
#   "it": {
#     "name": "Italian",
#     "nativeName": "Italiano",
#     "isReferenceLanguage": false,
#     "translated": {
#       "latest": 1,
#       "production": 1
#     }
#   },
# ...
# }


  • This request has a minimum cache duration of 1 hour.

(You can find your projectId in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Missing translations

You can say to locize that some translations are missing. For example this is very useful in development. This will not replace an existing translation.

This is a little bit more advanced. It's a HTTP POST request with this url pattern:



$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "new.key": "default value",
  "another.new.key": "another default value"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/missing/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage

optional context:

In case you want to also save a context information for a specific translation, you can define a nested object like this:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "new.key": {
    "value: "default value",
    "context": {
      "text: "description for this key"
  "another.new.key": "another default value"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/missing/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage

optional tags:

In case you want to also save tags for a specific translation, you can define a nested object like this:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "new.key": {
    "value: "default value",
    "tags": [
  "another.new.key": "another default value"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/missing/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage


  • You should post missing translation to the reference language first!

  • If you send more than 1000 keys, you have to page your request. This means you have to create multiple requests and send a maximum of 1000 keys per request.

  • If you get a 412 status code, this means it was an unnecessary request and nothing was missing. If the publishing mode for the requested version is set to manual, you may want to set it to auto publish.

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

You should not use this endpoint in production. Read this guide before you're going to production.

Used translations

You can say to locize which translations are used. Locize will then remember at which time the translations have been last used. For example this is very useful in development. For example during an e2e test you can spot which translations are probably not used anymore.

This is also a HTTP POST request, with this url pattern:



$ body=$(cat << EOF

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/used/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage


  • To best work with the "not used for" filter in the UI, you may do this requests for your reference language.

  • If you send more than 1000 keys, you have to page your request. This means you have to create multiple requests and send a maximum of 1000 keys per request.

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

You should not use this endpoint in production. Read this guide before you're going to production.

Update/Remove translations

You can say to locize that some translations should be updated or deleted. For example this is very useful for an integration from an other already existing system to slowly transition the translations to locize.

This is also a little bit more advanced. It's a HTTP POST request with this url pattern:


To completely replace a namespace set the query parameter replace to true. This will remove all the keys in that namespace that are not included in your body. If you have more than 1000 keys in a namespace, we do consider NOT to use the replace parameter, this will probably delete more keys than you want to.

If you need to change or remove multiple keys, please do not create a single http request per key, but put them together in batches of maximum 1000 keys.


$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "new.key": "default value",
  "another.existing.key": "another changed value",
  "a.key.to.delete": null

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/update/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage

$ # or (Be aware, using the replace=true parameter will delete all non passed keys!):
$ # curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/update/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage?replace=true

optional context:

In case you want to also save a context information for a specific translation, you can define a nested object like this:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "new.key": {
    "value": "default value",
    "context": {
      "text": "description for this key"
  "another.existing.key": "another changed value",
  "a.key.to.delete": null

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/missing/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage

optional tags:

In case you want to also save tags for a specific translation, you can define a nested object like this:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "new.key": {
    "value: "default value",
    "tags": [
  "another.new.key": "another default value"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/update/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage

optional quality:

If you know if the text content quality is coming from machine translations or human translations, you can also pass this information via the quality property:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "new.key": {
    "value: "default value",
    "quality": "MT" // MT = Machine Translation, AI = generative AI, TM = Translation Memory, HT = Human Translation
  "another.new.key": "another default value"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/update/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage

optional review:

In case you want to use the review workflow and enabled it, you can add the ?review=true query parameter:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "a.key": "esto se añadirá automáticamente",
  "meal": "me gusta comer pan"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/update/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/es/common?review=true

This will create a new review:

optional autotranslate:

By default (if the automatic machine or AI translation is enabled), new keys gets automatically translated. But if you update an existing key the automatic translation is not triggered by default.

By passing the ?autotranslate=true query parameter, it will trigger an automatic translation also for existing keys.

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "an.existing.key": "This will get automatically translated",
  "a.new.key": "And this will get automatically translated anyway"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/update/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/common?autotranslate=true


  • You should post translation to the reference language first!

  • If you send more than 1000 keys, you have to page your request. This means you have to create multiple requests and send a maximum of 1000 keys per request. If this is the case, please do not use the replace query parameter.

  • Do NOT create a single request per individual key, but include up to 1000 keys in a single request.

  • If you get a 429 status code, this means you are sending too many requests for the same namespace and should slow down to send requests and/or make sure you're NOT creating a single request per key.

  • If you get a 412 status code, this means it was an unnecessary request and nothing did change. If the publishing mode for the requested version is set to manual, you may want to set it to auto publish.

  • Do not use the review option in combination with the replace option.

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

You should not use this endpoint in production. Read this guide before you're going to production.

List all namespace resources

If you need an overview of all published translation files of your project, you can do this with a simple HTTP GET request with this url pattern:


{namespace}, {language} and {version} are optional and are used as filter.


$ curl -X GET https://api.locize.app/download/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# [
# {
# "url": "https://api.locize.app/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/de/common",
# "key": "3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/de/common",
# "size": 42,
# "lastModified": "2017-11-23T19:39:16.000Z"
# },
# {
# url: "https://api.locize.app/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/de/landingpage",
# key: "3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/de/landingpage",
# "size": 21,
# "lastModified": "2017-11-23T18:39:16.000Z"
# },
# {
# url: "https://api.locize.app/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/common",
# key: "3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/common",
# "size": 103,
# "lastModified": "2017-11-23T19:37:16.000Z"
# },
# {
# url: "https://api.locize.app/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/common",
# key: "3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/common",
# "size": 12,
# "lastModified": "2017-11-23T19:29:16.000Z"
# },
# ...
# {
# url: "https://api.locize.app/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/production/en/common",
# key: "3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/production/en/common",
# "size": 236,
# "lastModified": "2017-11-24T19:39:16.000Z"
# },
# {
# url: "https://api.locize.app/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/production/en/common",
# key: "3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/production/en/common",
# "size": 417,
# "lastModified": "2017-11-23T13:39:16.000Z"
# }
# ]


  • By providing the appropriate API key as bearer token you can also retrieve information about your private namespace resources. (if using the private publishing feature)


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/download/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# [
# {
# "url": "https://api.locize.app/private/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/de/common",
# "key": "private/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/de/common",
# "size": 42,
# "lastModified": "2017-11-23T19:39:16.000Z",
# "isPrivate": true
# },
# ...

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

You should not use this endpoint in production. If you need to know the lastModified timestamp of a specific namespace, you should parse the last-modified header in the Fetch namespace resources response.

Fetch/filter the (unpublished) namespace resources

Sometimes in your localization process you want to know which are the translations that are approved by your reviewer. Assuming you have defined some tags to mark translations as approved, with this api you're able to filter by these tags.

This is pretty easy. It's a simple HTTP GET request with this url pattern:


with positive tags filter: https://api.locize.app/pull/{projectId}/{version}/{language}/{namespace}?tags=[0,2] (you need to pass the tag index)

in combination with a negative tags filter: https://api.locize.app/pull/{projectId}/{version}/{language}/{namespace}?tags=[0,2]&!tags=[1]

Another use case could be to track the amount of words changed during a time period. To do this, you can pull the translations at period 1, save this state and the current timestamp and later at period 2 you can pull again with an additional filter.

i.e. get all translations updated after 2017-12-06T19:42:18.139Z (UTC): https://api.locize.app/pull/{projectId}/{version}/{language}/{namespace}?updatedAt=>1512589338139 (number of milliseconds since 1970/01/01)

i.e. get all translations updated before 2017-12-06T19:42:18.139Z (UTC): https://api.locize.app/pull/{projectId}/{version}/{language}/{namespace}?updatedAt=<1512589338139 In the same way there is also the createdAt filter.

Additionally another use case could be to remove unused translations. (This is only possible if you make use of the Used translations endpoint) To do this, you can pull the translations with an additional filter.

i.e. get all translations used after 2017-12-06T19:42:18.139Z (UTC): https://api.locize.app/pull/{projectId}/{version}/{language}/{namespace}?lastUsed=>1512589338139 (number of milliseconds since 1970/01/01)

i.e. get all translations used before 2017-12-06T19:42:18.139Z (UTC): https://api.locize.app/pull/{projectId}/{version}/{language}/{namespace}?lastUsed=<1512589338139


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/pull/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage
# will return something like:
# {
# "Average App": "Average App",
# "Benefits": "Benefits",
# "Blog": "Blog",
# ...
# "privacy policy": "privacy policy",
# "terms of service": "terms of service"
# }

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

There is also an option to ask for more segment information with the query parameter raw=true


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/pull/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage?raw=true
# will return something like:
# {
#   "Average App": {
#     "value": "Average App",
#     "tags": [
#       null,
#       true
#     ],
#     "context": {
#       "text": "This text is placed..."
#     },
#     "quality": "MT", // MT = Machine Translation, AI = generative AI, TM = Translation Memory, HT (or undefined) = Human Translation
#     "updatedAt": 1610004393330
#   },
# ...
# }

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

You should not use this endpoint in production. To fetch the translation in production, please use the Fetch namespaces resources endpoint.

Each of these requests counts as private download for your next invoice.

Fetch configured project tags

You may have defined some tags to mark translations as approved, etc. With this api you're able to fetch these tags.

A very simple HTTP GET request with this url pattern:



$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/tags/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# [
# "translated",
# "reviewed",
# "approved"
# ]

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)


Copy version

If you are using multiple versions of your translations you can ask locize to copy (replace) all translations from one version to the other. For example this is very useful when you release your translation files from one version to the other via your custom tooling. It's the same behavior like Overwriting via the UI.

This is easy. It's a HTTP POST request without body with this url pattern:



$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/copy/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/version/latest/production


  • The response body contains a jobId, which you can use to check if asynchronous action has been completed with the Get async job endpoint.

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab. Keep in mind to use the API Key for {toVersion})

Copy language from version to other version

For a more granular copy action, you can ask locize to copy (replace) all translations from one version to the other for a particular language.

Another HTTP POST request without body with this url pattern:



$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/copy/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/version/latest/production/en


  • The response body contains a jobId, which you can use to check if asynchronous action has been completed with the Get async job endpoint.

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab. Keep in mind to use the API Key for {toVersion})

Publish version

If you want to fully automate your CI/CD pipeline by publishing a version exactly at the same time when you deploy a new version of your product this api call is exactly what you are looking for.

This is very easy. It's a HTTP POST request without body with this url pattern:



$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/publish/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/production


  • The response body contains a jobId, which you can use to check if asynchronous action has been completed with the Get async job endpoint.

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab. Keep in mind to use the API Key for the correct {version})

Get async job

To wait for an async action (i.e. copy, copy language, publish) to be completed, you can make use this endpoint.

It's a simple HTTP GET request without body with this url pattern:


Pull this endpoint with an interval of at least 2 seconds until no job object is returned anymore. The job is done as soon as no job object is returned. Depending on how big your project is it may take also several minutes until the job gets finished. (for example for the copy version job)


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/jobs/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/410aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb5
$ # {"projectId":"3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2","jobId":"0bb35e4a-8f16-4997-866a-1332a59825e0","event":"saveVersionRequested","startedAt":1525094049152}

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Sometimes you want to automate even more. I.e if you want to create your own translation management ui. The following endpoints are probably what you are looking for.

Create a new namespace


A body containing initial values is optional.

It will create a new namespace in your reference language.


$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/create/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/landingpage

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Create a new namespace in a specific language


A body containing initial values is optional.


$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/create/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/en/landingpage

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Rename a namespace in all languages



$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/rename/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/landingpage/landingpagenew

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Delete a namespace from all languages



$ curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/delete/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/latest/landingpage

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Language functionality

Add new language

This is the same as adding a new language via UI.


example (will add that language to all versions):

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/language/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/en

Optionally, specify in which versions you want to add that language:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "versions": ["latest", "production"]

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/language/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/en

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Remove language



$ curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/language/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/en

Optionally, specify in which versions you want to update languages:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "versions": ["latest", "production"]

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/language/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/en

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Update languages

Can be used to set the languages at once.

Languages not passed via request, are removed.



$ body=$(cat << EOF

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/language/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2

Optionally, specify in which versions you want to update languages:

$ body=$(cat << EOF
  "latest": ["en", "de", "it"],
  "production": ["en", "de"]

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/language/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Add new version

This is the same as adding a new version via UI.


The body optionally contains

  • autoPublish true or false, defaults to false

  • cacheControlMaxAge number, amount of seconds used for Cache-control max-age


$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/version/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/v0.9.6
$ # or (optionally set autoPublsh to true):
$ # body=$(cat << EOF
# {
# "autoPublish": true
# "cacheControlMaxAge": 3600
# }
# )
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/version/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/v0.9.6

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)


Invite new users


The body contains

  • email the user's email address

  • role can be "user" or "publisher" or "admin" (default: "user")

  • scope is an object describing a scope restriction (default: empty arrays for languages and versions)

To skip sending the email automatically set the query parameter send to false. This will not send any email. This way you can send the invitation mail by your own, if you want to.


$ body=$(cat << EOF
"email": "new.user@somewhere-in-the-universe.com",
"role": "user",
"scope": {
 "languages": ["en","de"],
 "versions": ["latest","preprod"]

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/invite/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
$ # or:
$ # curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/invite/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2?send=false
# will return something like:
# {
# "code": "LL4mHDzyxKn4cKYP",
# "role": "user",
# "email": "new.user@somewhere-in-the-universe.com",
# "scope": {
#  "languages":["en","de"],
#  "versions":["latest","preprod"]
# },
# "link": "https://www.locize.app/register?invitation=LL4mHDzyxKn4cKYP"
# }

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Fetch users

For example when you want to build your own translation management ui, this endpoint will be very useful if you want to display the project's users.

Just a HTTP GET request with this url pattern:



$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/users/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# [
#  {
#   "id":"ba175147-c7a3-45d2-9b24-739ae2ed948c",
#   "firstname": "George",
#   "lastname": "Winston",
#   "username": "gg.win",
#   "email": "george.user@somewhere-in-the-universe.com",
#   "role": "user",
#   "scope": {
#    "languages": ["en","de"],
#    "versions": ["latest","preprod"]
#   }
#  }
#  ...
# ]

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)


Statistics: project

Do you want to show some cool overview images like this:

You can access the same data we use on the locize UI also for your own ui.

Simply make a HTTP GET request with this url pattern:



$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/stats/project/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# {
#    "latest":{
#       "en":{
#          "ns1":{
#             "translated":1,
#             "untranslated":0,
#             "ordered":0,
#             "segmentsTranslated":10,
#             "segmentsTotal":10
#          },
#          "anotherNamespace":{
#             "translated":1,
#             "untranslated":0,
#             "ordered":0,
#             "segmentsTranslated":1,
#             "segmentsTotal":1
#          }
#       },
#       "de":{
#          "ns1":{
#             "translated":0.7,
#             "untranslated":0.3,
#             "ordered":0,
#             "segmentsTranslated":7,
#             "segmentsTotal":10
#          },
#          "anotherNamespace":{
#             "translated":1,
#             "untranslated":0,
#             "ordered":0,
#             "segmentsTranslated":1,
#             "segmentsTotal":1
#          }
#       }
#    },
#    "prod":{
#       "en":{
#          "ns1":{
#             "translated":1,
#             "untranslated":0,
#             "ordered":0,
#             "segmentsTranslated":5,
#             "segmentsTotal":5
#          },
#          "anotherNamespace":{
#             "translated":1,
#             "untranslated":0,
#             "ordered":0,
#             "segmentsTranslated":1,
#             "segmentsTotal":1
#          }
#       },
#       "de":{
#          "ns1":{
#             "translated":1,
#             "untranslated":0,
#             "ordered":0,
#             "segmentsTranslated":5,
#             "segmentsTotal":5
#          },
#          "anotherNamespace":{
#            "translated":0.7142857142857143,
#            "untranslated":0.2857142857142857,
#            "ordered":0,
#            "segmentsTranslated":5,
#            "segmentsTotal":7
#          }
#       }
#    }
# }

(You can find your projectId and API Key in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Statistics: user

There are some nice statistics for users too:

Another HTTP GET request with this url pattern:

for a specific user: https://api.locize.app/stats/user/{projectId}/{userId} https://api.locize.app/stats/user/{projectId}/{userId}?year=2019

or for all users: https://api.locize.app/stats/users/{projectId} https://api.locize.app/stats/users/{projectId}?year=2019

To retrieve an other year than the current one set the query parameter year with the appropriate value.


$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/stats/user/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/ba175147-c7a3-45d2-9b24-739ae2ed948c
# will return something like:
# {
#    "userId":"ba175147-c7a3-45d2-9b24-739ae2ed948c",
#    "year":2019,
#    "words":{ // amount of words saved per month
#       "0":23,
#       "1":54,
#       "2":16,
#       ...
#    },
#    "modifications":{ // amount of modifications per month
#       "0":2,
#       "1":6,
#       "2":1,
#       ...
#    },
#    "tagsSet":{ // amount of tags set per month by tag index
#       "0":{
#          "2":12,
#          "4":7
#       },
#       "1":{
#          "2":5,
#          "4":18,
#          "5":21
#       },
#       "2":{
#          "4":1,
#          "5":24
#       }
#       ...
#    },
#    "tagsUnset":{ // amount of tags unset per month by tag index
#       "0":{
#          "0":2,
#          "1":7
#       },
#       "1":{
#          "0":5,
#          "1":18,
#          "2":49
#       },
#       "2":{
#          "1":10,
#          "2":34
#       }
#       ...
#    }
#    "updatedAt":1514926256221,
# }

$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/stats/users/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2

# [
#    {
#       "userId":"ba175147-c7a3-45d2-9b24-739ae2ed948c",
#       "year":2019,
#       "words":{ // amount of words saved per month
#          "0":23,
#          "1":54,
#          "2":16,
#          ...
#       }
#       "modifications":{ // amount of modifications per month
#          "0":2,
#          "1":6,
#          "2":1,
#          ...
#       },
#       "tagsSet":{ // amount of tags set per month by tag index
#          "0":{
#             "2":12,
#             "4":7
#          },
#          "1":{
#             "2":5,
#             "4":18,
#             "5":21
#          },
#          "2":{
#             "4":1,
#             "5":24
#          }
#          ...
#       },
#       "tagsUnset":{ // amount of tags unset per month by tag index
#          "0":{
#             "0":2,
#             "1":7
#          },
#          "1":{
#             "0":5,
#             "1":18,
#             "2":49
#          },
#          "2":{
#             "1":10,
#             "2":34
#          }
#          ...
#       }
#       "updatedAt":1514926256221,
#    },
#    ...
# ]

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Tenant functionality

Create a new tenant project


The body contains

  • name the project's name (required)

  • company the company name of the tenant

  • projectUrl an url that represents the tenant project

  • canEditLanguages defines if the tenant user can add or remove languages, can be true or false (default: false)

  • subscribeToParent adds the tenant project to the collective billing of the main/parent project (1 invoice for everything), can be true or false (default: false)

  • referenceLanguage you can optionally pass a different reference language compared to the parent project, if not provided the same referenceLanguage like in the parent project is used

This response will include the id, that can be used other api endpoints.


$ body=$(cat << EOF
"name": "My tenant's project"

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/tenant/create/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# {
# "id": "66a6631d-6439-4e4c-bbd3-3196d87dfdf4",
# "name": "My tenant's project"
# }

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Update tenant project settings


The body contains

  • canEditLanguages can be true or false (default: false)

This response will include the id, that can be used other api endpoints.


$ body=$(cat << EOF
"canEditLanguages": true

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" -d $body https://api.locize.app/tenant/update/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2/ad0aa5aa-2660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb3
# will return something like:
# {
# "id": "66a6631d-6439-4e4c-bbd3-3196d87dfdf4",
# "name": "My tenant's project"
# }

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

List all tenants of project



$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" https://api.locize.app/tenants/3d0aa5aa-4660-4154-b6d9-907dbef10bb2
# will return something like:
# [{
# "id": "66a6631d-6439-4e4c-bbd3-3196d87dfdf4",
# "name": "My tenant's project"
# }]

(You can find your projectId and API Key (requires admin role) in your project settings under the API Tab.)

Last updated