Migrating from the old InContext editor

The InContext Editor feature has been fundamentally changed. Now the InContext Editor is part of the locize UI and not a separate web component anymore.

tl;dr: Make sure to load this script and paste your website url in the in-built InContext view of the locize UI.

If you are using the old locize-editor this guide will help you to migrate to the new approach.

Migration should be straight forward...

1) Replace the old locize-editor

Replace the old locize-editor with the new locize script

with i18next

import { locizePlugin } from 'locize';


// Using react-i18next you might want to bind the editorSaved event to trigger a rerender:
  // ...
  react: {
    bindI18n: 'languageChanged editorSaved'

The locize script is already included in locizify >= v4.1.0

with other as module

import { addLocizeSavedHandler } from 'locize';

addLocizeSavedHandler((res) => {
  res.updated.forEach((item) => {
    const { lng, ns, key, data } = item;
    // load the translations somewhere...
    // and maybe rerender your UI

with other in vanilla javascript

<script src="https://unpkg.com/locize/locize.min.js" />
window.locizeSavedHandler = (res) => {
  res.updated.forEach((item) => {
    const { lng, ns, key, data } = item;
    // load the translations somewhere...
    // and maybe rerender your UI

2) The new InContext view

Follow this guide.

Last updated