User management
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Last updated
On your project settings page, in the "USERS" tab you can granularly invite your team members to a specific project with optional specific permissions for appropriate versions or languages or features.
With the admin role you can always adapt the permissions of your team.
You can also define an anonymous invitation link with predefined permissions and share that link with everybody you want to.
Role permissions: - the admin role enables to do everything - the manager role enables to do everything but billing/accounting part and optionally be scope to a specific version and/or language and/or namespace - the user role enables work on translations and optionally be scope to a specific version and/or language and/or namespace - the publisher role is like the user role, but additionally enables to publish or overwrite versions (but to overwrite it requires permission to all languages and namespaces).
Scoping a permission to specific languages, not including the reference language, will remove the ability to add or remove keys.
You have the chance to give users access to locize through an identity provider (IDP) of your choice.
Upload at least the metadata file of your IDP, optionally define the user attributes mapping, then enter the appropriate endpoints to your IDP and you're good to go.
Based on your identifier, your users can now login via
Having a SAML SSO integration will increase your monthly costs. SSO users will not be able to use the InContext popup approach.
You still need to invite individual users to your project(s). Users signing in via SSO integration will not automatically get any project permission.